Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Photo archives food for thought

For a variety of reasons to do with my paranoia about file backups, as well as a slight lack of orderliness, my photo catalogue has burgeoned with duplicates of photos in the course of upgrading my computer.

I've cleaned up the 2006 photos and am in early 2007. I had a different camera then - not nearly so technologically advanced as my current model. For example, it had a fraction of the speed in burst mode, struggling to achieve 3fps where the current camera can comfortably rip 5 or more fps.

But I'm not sure that is the explanation for the observation that I took a lot fewer photos back then. In a day, I now can easily end up with over three or four hundred images in the course of casual shooting. In 2007, it looks like a big day was about 40.

I don't know if my keep rate has improved, but I am certainly better at pressing the clicky button more often.

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